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Family of origin trauma or abuse

When you start to look at your family history and how much it has impacted you, it can feel both isolating and confusing. I have a lot of experience supporting survivors of family of origin trauma, including narcissistic or psychotically abusive or dysfunctional families. If you feel you fit into this survivor community, know that you are not alone, and that support is available. You can break the cycle.

support for adults of alcoholic or dysfunctional families

Post-separation relationship abuse

There are many concerns and fears that come up when leaving someone who is capable of post-separation abuse, including hopelessness, despair, or even self blame. I have a lot of experience supporting survivors of psychological abuse who are dealing with post separation abuse, or wondering if they can safely leave. I have supported clients through developing an escape plan that helps them cope with the stress and anxiety of the legal system and the aftermath of traumatic legal and social experiences when trying to obtain protection.

Here is support on developing a safety plan to leave.

Parallel parenting support

Other tools and resources

LGBTQ support:

The Trevor Project